Do you need social media? The answer is usually 'yes' but the network (Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn) depends on the nature of your business and your target market. We'll help you choose the best for you, get you set up and assist with management on an ongoing basis.
Probably the most versatile network in terms of usage - with good coverage from both B2B and B2C users. Currently the fastest moving in terms of management - it's important to visit regularly and respond to messages quickly. Minimal paid advertising opportunities at present.
Best used for those promoting direct to consumers because of the massive coverage of users communicating with family and friends. Facebook's continuous system development can be confusing but worthwhile if you keep up to date. The high average time on site and excellent demographic targeting give incredible paid advertising potential.
The most business focused network. Increased emphasis on Company pages and peer to peer interation offered by Groups dramatically boosted take up of Linked In. Perfect advertising potential for targeting specific segments if you can afford the budget. Also great for advertising more skilled job vacancies.
Mostly frequented by students, venture capitalists and technical people. Google recently rolled out a huge update to introduce new functionality and enhancements to the user interface. Google+ has limited opportunities in terms of representing your business but is under constant devlopment.
For more information or to discuss your options please don't hesitate to contact us - we'd be delighted to hear from you.